What’s New?

Summer: Hate It – or Love It – It’s Your Choice!

At the beginning of each season, we write an article about the beauty and wondrous offerings each season has to offer us. Then, at the end of each article, without listing the specifics, we acknowledge those who find the seasonal changes sad and depressing, and suggest the benefits of seeking professional help.

This time, we will first acknowledge those who do not specifically look forward to summer, listing what some might not find enjoyable, or find positive. Then, for those who enjoy and embrace the summer season, we are going to list all the positive aspects of what there is to enjoy and love about summer.

We hope reading about the pros and cons of this season will help those who don’t look forward to the summer months to note some of the positives, and begin to embrace them and be more likely to enjoy what summer has to offer.

Reasons to Hate Summer:

Long days – more road accidents – no school – more teens driving, resulting in more accidents – more wars are started in warm weather – more annoying bugs spreading more diseases – more Americans suffer from asthma in warmer weather – more mold and dust – more forest wildfires – more crime (many criminals don’t like to go out in freezing cold weather!), not to mention, according to a 2016 study out of the University of Washington, August (and March) has more divorces than any other month.

The article linked to below, “I Hate Summer-and You Should Too”, discusses more about why some people hate summer.


Reasons to Love Summer:

Everything seems easier in the summer – longer days to enjoy – no heavy clothes – summer vacation – lazy days at the beach – picnics – outdoor festivals and concerts – hikes – soaking up the sun – a warm summer breeze – the laughter of children playing outside – Mother Nature showing us all the beauty of summer blossoms – spectacular sunsets – fresh summer fruits, and (especially for children)…no school!

Not only does the sun help plants, flowers, and vegetables grow, it is also beneficial for humans. During the summer months, most people spend more time outside. Being exposed to the sun, (with caution) a natural source of vitamin D, helps promote both good mental and physical health. The increase in daylight and longer days has also been shown to help many people with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

The article linked to below, “Summer Soothes Our Senses and Our Souls”, discusses liking summer and all it has to offer, and explains how many people (even those with SAD) can benefit from the warmer months and more daylight.



Do you choose to see all the beauty and joy Mother Nature and life have to offer, and embrace the fun and exciting things that summer offers? Or do you choose to be unhappy and only focus on the negative?

We understand for some, this is not as easy as for others. But, bear in mind, embracing change and focusing on the positive of ANY situation is much healthier for your physical and mental well-being than dwelling on the negative.

YOU decide!


Coping Quote Corner

This section of E-Cope is dedicated to all the famous, or not-so-famous people who have been quoted all through history and in present times, giving us little tidbits of life that move us, inspire us, and make us ponder about ourselves, our lives, our relationships, or life in general.

Sometimes, it’s just one little sentence that can make us stop and think and give us the wisdom to find ways to cope with whatever life throws our way. Whether these words be serious, or humorous, they have withstood the test of time.

We hope you will find just the right quote to help you cope with whatever you are going through on your journey.

The quotes below are specific to summer, and we hope you will find just the right one to help warm your heart and soul with all the beauty nature and life have to offer for every season.

The quotes below are specific to summer:

Coping Quotes

  • Summer is the annual permission slip to be lazy. To do nothing and have it count for something. To lie in the grass and count the stars. To sit on a branch and study the clouds. – Regina Brett
  • In early June the world of leaf and blade and flowers explodes, and every sunset is different. – John Steinbeck
  • It’s like a beach blanket and a bottle of wine, it feels something like summertime. – Bon Jovi
  • A perfect summer day is when the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the birds are singing, and the lawn mower is broken. – James Dent
  • To escape and sit quietly on the beach — that’s my idea of paradise. – Emilia Wickstead
  • Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer’s day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time. – John Lubbock
  • It was June, and the world smelled of roses. The sunshine was like powdered gold over the grassy hillside. – Maud Hart Lovelace
  • Long walks on the beach are the supposed holy grail of a romantic evening. The beach becomes a kind of utopia – the place where all our dreams come true. – Roxane Gay
  • Oh, the summer night, has a smile of light, and she sits on a sapphire throne. – Bryan Proctor
  • If summer had one defining scent, it’d definitely be the smell of barbecue. – Katie Lee


Our “What’s New” page is where you’ll find the latest information on our programs, meetings, and events, workshops, news, articles, tips, links to new podcast episodes, and other special items.

For example, you can learn about:

  • The latest “Coping Conversations” podcast, hosted by Dr. Phillips. Want to know who’s the guest celebrity or expert? Click here!
  • Upcoming presentations and special programs.
  • Our free monthly support groups.
  • New courses, books, or materials that can be helpful.
  • Our state-of-the-art biofeedback services. Want to learn more? Click here.
  • Our specialized services for children, adolescents, and families. Want to learn more? Click here.
  • And much, much more…

Here’s what else to be aware of… at the moment:

* Our popular Coping Course…

Have you been diagnosed with a medical condition? Are you feeling overwhelmed and not sure what to do next? Our new free course can help!

  • The course is called, “Newly Diagnosed With A Medical Illness? What To Do Right Now!” and it’s presented by our director, Dr. Phillips.
  • It contains tips and strategies that you can implement to begin the process of helping yourself to move forward.
  • You’ll also learn information about a premium course containing even more tips and strategies.

For information or to sign up for the free mini-course, click here.

* Our helpful Coping Questionnaires…

  • Our free Coping Questionnaires are an easy way to discover more about yourself and what aspects of your life you might like to improve.
  • We currently offer free questionnaires about stress, parenting, and living with illness.

For information about our questionnaires, click here.

* Resources

  • Check out the latest resources (articles, books, questionnaires, and more) on our Resources page

* Special COVID alert!…

  • Despite the ending of the COVID-19 public health emergency, the Coping Counselors at the Center for Coping are all continuing to provide telephone and video sessions, in addition to face-to-face appointments.
  • Our Coping Counselors are also available to do free, initial consultations with any new individuals who could benefit from coping strategies during this difficult time.

For information, call us at (516) 822-3131, or email us at info@coping.com

In other news…

* Our Podcast…

We encourage you to listen to Dr. Phillips’ popular podcast, “Coping Conversations.” This podcast, featuring interviews with interesting, informative, and popular celebrities and experts, is based on his long-time radio show, available since 1991! Recent episodes include an archived show with radio and television host Joe Franklin and a new show with “The Newlywed Game” host Bob Eubanks. Since 2019, the show has been available on most popular podcast apps, including:

Click here for more information about the podcast, including a list of many previously interviewed celebrities and experts.

* Receive, via e-mail, our free, online newsletter, E-Cope…

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* Find the Center for Coping on social media…

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* Dr. Phillips’ latest books:

Newly Diagnosed? Now What? 153 Strategies to Help You Take Action and Cope After Your Medical Diagnosis
Coping Press

Coping With Lupus, 4th Edition
Penguin Putnam/Avery

Lupus Q & A: Everything You Need To Know, 3rd Edition” (with Robert Lahita, MD)
Penguin Putnam/Avery

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By the way, if you:

  • Would like to obtain further information about any information provided on our website.
  • Have any suggestions for additional meetings, workshops, articles, or tips you’d like to see in the future.
  • Are interested in receiving e-mailed information or special offers, and/or would like to be placed on our mailing list?

Call us at (516) 822-3131, or email us at info@coping.com with your request.

The Coping Counselors- Providing quality psychological services for more than 35 years!