Make Social Distancing and Quarantine Into a STAYCATION
by Dana Gerasimovich, M.S.
We are living in a time where social distancing and quarantine are necessary to protect the health and safety of ourselves, loved ones and society. Although this is a temporary situation, these difficult times may create negative feelings, thoughts, and anxiety.
On the positive side, why not take this opportunity to take a staycation? What is a staycation? Under current circumstances, it would be an individual or a family staying home and participating in leisure activities. Below are some helpful tips to enjoy a staycation.
Have a Home Movie Theater Night
A home movie theater night can consist of multiple fun activities for individuals, couples, or families. Find a room within your house or apartment and reset it into an exciting new movie theater atmosphere. For example, prepare a movie theater’s traditional foods, such as popcorn, candy, pretzels, and soda. Make a list of categories of favorite types of movies, such as childhood classics, specific genres, favorite actors, and more! Decorate the room into your own movie theater atmospheres, such as by printing out posters or images from the movie, hanging up lights, or grabbing your favorite chair, blanket, or pillow. If you have children, do a creative drawing activity with them! For instance, the children can print out movie tickets or draw them and then hand them out for entry. Allow the kids to oversee the concessions by allowing them to hand out popcorn and treats! This can be a great interactive experience for you and your family.
Go to The Beach… at Home?!
Through visualization and modern-day technology, we can experience nature in our homes. The beach can be a calming place for many people to relax and unwind. Find a room within your house or apartment that has a lot of windows and sunlight and create your own beach atmosphere. To illustrate, then consider going on YouTube- it has multiple simulations of beaches and oceans from around the world on loop for up to ten hours. Put on your favorite beach outfit or bathing suit and create that beachy look that makes you feel comfortable and happy. Grab your favorite beach foods and drinks, pack them in a beach bag and cooler. You may even want to lay out beach chairs and towels and maybe a mini pool for kids to recreate the fun in the sun.
Time Travel? Have a Decade-Themed Night
What is a decade-themed night? It is a night that can consist of recreating events, trends, food, and games based on the selected decade. For example, if you choose the decade of the 1980’s, think about what music, movies, and more that took place then. Dress up in the styles of that decade, wearing vintage type clothing and retro hairstyles. Find music that impacted that time and relax, dance, or sing to the trending songs of that decade. Watch movies that were popular during that time.
Have a Restaurant Night at Home
When on vacation, many individuals enjoy going out to different restaurants and experience various cuisines and ambiance. During your staycation, consider having a similar experience in your home. Look up different recipes based on a chosen cuisine and make it your own. Create a printout menu for your family or significant other to make their selections. This activity can even help expand your cooking knowledge and skills while making it a fun activity for all. Be creative in plating and presenting the cuisine to recreate that restaurant-quality! Redecorate your dining room or kitchen into a themed restaurant based on the cuisine you are having that night. If you have children, turn this dining experience into a fun activity/game for the kids. For instance, ask the kids to become the servers and they can pretend to take your order. Or switch it around and have the parents become the servers and take the kids’ orders.
Relax with a Spa Day
A spa day can involve multiple activities to help boost confidence and relaxation while at home. There are a number of possible activities you could try. Participate in applying face masks, hair masks, or skincare routines to help feel refreshed. Ask another member in the household to give you a manicure or do it yourself. Take relaxing showers or bubble baths with candles or music. Create and use aromatherapy oils and enjoy the scent. These activities can lead you to feel rejuvenated and ready to take on the next day or night.
Enjoy a Game Night
A game night is a fun and interactive experience that can connect members in the household. Game night can include playing your favorite video games, card games, and board games. For example, popular games can include Monopoly, Life, Jenga, Checkers, card games, and many more! Game night can be tailored to the ages and members of your household. Implement your favorite game night with foods and drinks to help make this event more enjoyable.
Stay Connected!
Your staycation activities and events can be shared with friends and other individuals who do not live in your household. For example, via FaceTime, individuals can share their experiences and talk about how they created their own staycation moments. Snap Chat and Instagram are great social media platforms that enable you to post pictures/videos and share comments based on your staycation experience! Netflix has created a new system that enables multiple friends to watch the same movie and chat on the application to share their reactions and thoughts. Staying connected to family and friends while you are enjoying your staycation is easy with today’s technology and social media platforms.
Wake Up and Get Ready!
Despite what activities you choose during your staycation, it’s important while social distancing impacts your daily life to remind yourself of necessary personal self-care routines. Implementing an asleep and wake up schedule helps your body and mind to remain in a routine. Follow your normal breakfast and beverage activities to start the day. Maintain a normal beauty and hygiene routine. For example, taking care of your hair, applying make-up for some, and wearing different clothes, can be enjoyable various outfits. Also, make sure you have an exercise routine. Online workout videos are may be helpful in maintaining your physical fitness. These practices may help you feel more balanced and create a healthier environment at home for yourself and your loved ones.
By enjoying these activities, you can change your perspective and have more enjoyment, despite this unexpected ‘type’ of vacation. You will one day look back on these times and remember the great memories you made and how you were able to appreciate life’s gifts even during times of adversity. Positive experiences create light in dark times!
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