Our psychological services have been developed over the years to meet the needs of the many different people we help. But not every person or problem is the same! The reason our programs and services prove to be so successful is that our Coping Counselors personalize each mental health service to meet the unique needs of every individual we serve.

Services Available To Help You
Your needs are our first concern. The following is an alphabetical listing of some of our many services available to help you:

Anxiety and Panic Reduction
Anxious? Experiencing panic attacks? Learn how to implement effective techniques that help to reduce anxiety and panic (even conquer phobias!)… and increase your control.

Bereavement Counseling
Grieving a loss? Our bereavement services, specifically designed to help you deal with the loss of a loved one, include effective techniques for coping and moving on with your life. Want to learn more? Click here. (We also offer specialized services to help individuals deal with the loss of their pets.)

Biofeedback, an easy, enjoyable, relaxing technique done with the assistance of state-of-the-art equipment, is useful in relieving anxiety, pain, headaches, migraines, and many other symptoms. You’ll learn how to use this modern technology to accomplish your goals… and continue progress on your own. Want to learn more? Click here.

Career and Vocational Counseling
Dissatisfied with your job? Considering making a change? Not quite sure? Our career and vocational counseling services will provide valuable assistance to help you to establish and achieve your goals.

Child and Adolescent Services
Problems with a child or adolescent? Many issues can be similar to those affecting adults, but others can be age-specific and unique to this stage of development. Our child and adolescent experts create a warm, comfortable environment that is very conducive to problem-solving and goal achievement. Want to learn more? Click here.

Depression Alleviation
Feeling depressed, hopeless, or in despair? Learn how to view your life in a more positive manner through our use of proven, successful techniques that can help you to reduce depression and improve your mood.

Living Well…Despite Medical Problems
It is possible! We’ll guide you to learn how to adjust to the ways your medical problems affect you – and how to use effective and proven coping skills – to further help you live a productive, satisfying life.

Marital, Relationship and Family Problems
Want to improve a relationship? Need to deal with a relationship that isn’t working? Individuals, couples and families learn how to identify problem areas, improve communication and enhance relationships.

Play Therapy
Children who have difficulty expressing their needs or problems can make significant improvements in their lives through our “play therapy” services – a beneficial therapeutic technique that uses guided play, in combination with a number of different strategies, to help the child overcome problems and deal with emotions in a safe, non-threatening and (if needed) non-verbal manner.

Pre- and Post-Surgical Counseling
This counseling specialty can be very valuable both prior to surgery to prepare an individual for what lies ahead… and following surgery to help the individual deal with any post-surgical changes. Research has indicated that not only can pre- and post-op counseling help the individual emotionally, and it can actually have a positive impact on the individual’s surgical outcome and physical health. Our Coping Counselors prepare individuals and their families for successful surgery and include relaxation, pain management, and stress management strategies in treatment.

“Senior” Services
Are you a senior citizen, interested in improving your quality of life, or any physical, emotional, social, or relationship problem? Learn how to deal with these or any of the many modern-day problems facing you today, such as experiencing substance abuse among family members, raising and supporting grandchildren, having grown children move back home after divorce, and many more stressful issues.

Stress Management
Want to… or need to… control your stress? You’ll quickly learn how to identify the specific sources of your stress, the changes you can make, and the effective techniques we can help you use to reduce stress and increase control in your life.

Telephone and Video Sessions
If face-to-face sessions are difficult or impossible to arrange due to medical problems, transportation difficulties, weather, or other family concerns, our helpful full-service telephone and HIPAA-compliant video sessions are a viable alternative.

Weight Management
This is not a “diet” program! If you are searching for “the” way to lose weight, we’ll help you learn the reasons previous diets have not worked for you, the issues interfering with your success, the strategies for resolving them, and finally, effective techniques to shed those pounds you want… and need… to lose.

Wellness Division
Our Wellness Division offers certified programs for CPR training, first aid training, babysitter training, as well as courses in parenting and family enhancement, trauma, and crisis counseling services.
Let’s Make Things Happen
“Our Coping Counselors are a multi-disciplinary team of compassionate professionals with years of experience.”
All information will be confidential